Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 632 Greatsword of Half-Crescents

First things first, Eisen started to heat up all of the steel that he needed for this blade. Once the ingots were glowing in a bright yellow light, he started to fold them into each other while pouring mana out through his hammer into them, like he usually did, and then started to form the large lump of steel into the right form for what he wanted to make.

Half of the sword wasn’t really that big a deal, it was just like a straight, two-edges greatsword. But when it came to the other half of the sword, it was different. Basically, the shape of this sword was that half of it was that of a greatsword, and the other half was quite thin, about a fifth of the width of the greatsword.

And then, if you took that thinner half of the sword and added three rounded blades sticking out of the edge of that thinner half to create three half-circle shapes on each edge, being open outward, that would basically be the shape of this sword.

It seemed like something that would be able to hook onto enemies very easily to just rip them apart immediately, since of course, the insides of those half-circle blades had sharp edges themselves, and the tips of the half-circles were sharp like the tips of regular blades.

It was certainly an incredibly weird structure that the old man hadn’t expected ever creating, or ever even considered as something that could ever be possibly thought up, but at the same time, that was exactly what made it something rather interesting.

Eisen liked creating new sorts of items, and discovering new sorts of methods like that was incredibly interesting to Eisen. Although he was wondering what kind of craftsman made a blade like that for that woman in the first place... Because Eisen doubted she just randomly thought it up herself.

But either way, who came up with this really didn’t matter all that much. What did matter, however, was that Eisen had to try his best to finish this and turn it into a great item despite how weird and completely unusual it was.

It was even pretty hard to just forge considering its weird shape, but in the end, Eisen managed to get it done with just a little bit of support from Item Fusion and Alchemical Transmutation. And then, once this blade was done, Eisen sharpened all of the edges and started to temper the blade using the special mythril-flames.

And while the blade was tempering inside of one of the larger special boxes that the old man created, he was working on the handle, which also had a quite interesting shape in itself.

The combat seemed to work by swinging the extremely heavy blade around with a lot of force, so it required an extreme amount of grip on the handle, especially due to the somewhat weird shape. The crescents could easily get stuck on something and somehow rip the handle out of the woman’s hands, and that was extremely counterproductive.

So, the way this handle worked was a bit more unique. It was like being strapped into the handle, although it was still a bit different.

There was the base grip there, the regular kind, but there was another special mechanism connected to that. And that special mechanism was something like two rings placed around the handle. But it wasn’t like the grip was pushed through the holes of the two rings, but rather through the ’solid’ parts, as if the rings were going to be wrapped around the hands instead of the grip itself.

Like this, it was relatively easy to create a tight hold on the handle since you had something else holding your hands on the grip beside your own strength. Of course, to make it as comfortable as possible, those ’rings’ were more like leather straps, although they were a special kind, as they were a fusion of leather and steel created with the Item Fusion skill.

Strong and durable, but still easy to bend like leather. These straps could be completely removed from the handle or pulled up and down however you wished, since they weren’t directly attached to the handle but held in place by more rings that could be tightened however you wanted.

Once more, this was something that Eisen had never really created like this before. He did make weapons that had a strap connected to the bottom of the handle that you could push one of your hand through, so that the weapon wouldn’t be thrown away when it slipped out of your hand, but never something that directly worked against the item even slipping out of your hand.

Either way, beside that, Eisen would enchant the wood itself to prevent the weapon from slipping out of the woman’s hands.

By the time Eisen was done properly preparing everything for the handle, the tempering of the blade itself had finished. And so, Eisen got started on the enchantments for it.

Basically, the woman wanted the sword to be able to cleave through whatever it came in contact with as easily as possible, while the different tips of the blades were supposed to be there for extra stabbing. In general, the way you would fight with this sword was actually quite weird.

A lot of swordfighting depended on you being able to stab it toward your oponent by pushing the blade forward, but in this case, where the regular ’tip’ would be there was just a flat surface. There wasn’t even an edge there, by request of the woman, but it was really just completely flat. It was like having a double-sided war-axe or something like that, where you could only swing it to the side and cleave through things instead of really being able to slice and stab.

It would certainly call for a unique style of combat... Maybe Eisen should ask the woman to demonstrate it to him in a bit, and then he could basically ’record’ all of that happening with his Mana-Copy ability so that he could show it to Brody when Eisen was back in Prototype. He would definitely be interested in that.

So, to support the woman’s style of combat that relied on cleaving through things with a lot of power and strength, Eisen created enchantments that helped push mass out of the way to cut things apart rather easily. And on top of that, Eisen tried his best to somehow support the edges themselves, as well as the tips of the crescent-blade parts so that they wouldn’t just end up becoming useless with this kind of force and combat style. Increasing the durability of edges like that wasn’t really that easy, although here in a divine realm, that might be a whole other deal again.

Eisen still didn’t fully understand how things worked here, as evident from being attacked by someone while ignoring that that man wasn’t a good person simply because they were in heaven. That idea was just kind of ingrained in the old man’s mind, but things seemed to work a bit weirdly here sometimes, so he shouldn’t speculate and just figure things out more directly.

Just as these thoughts were crossing Eisen’s mind, he connected the wooden part of the handle to the blade and then enchanted the wood to support gripping onto it, before wrapping the whole handle in leather and attaching the special straps.

And with that, the blade seemed nearly done. All that Eisen then had to do was quickly use Magic Inscription on the whole item, increase the potency of the different enchantments, and then clean this Unique Sword up a little bit.

He turned toward the woman, who by now was just standing by the wall in the smithy, actually watching the old man work with curious and excited eyes that grew even brighter the more the project progressed, and asked, "You didn’t want it to by dyed in a special way, right? Just the regular base color?" The old man asked, and the woman slowly shook her head.

"Yeah, just like that’s fine." She said, so Eisen slowly nodded his head. He took out a small bottle filled wiht a translucent liquid as well as another piece of cotton, basically doing the same thing that he did with the two daggers that he gave to the man before. The woman looked at him with a light frown, and Eisen quickly explained, "Don’t worry, this isn’t paint, it’s just something that makes the blade keep its shine for a bit longer while protecting the outermost layer from things like scratches."

The woman slowly nodded her head, although it seemed like she thought this to be unnecessary, and Eisen just continued his work.

With a satisfied expression, Eisen looked at the item and smiled as he held it in his hand, swinging it around a little bit. The balance was weirdly enough not all that bad, despite what Eisen thought it would be. For cleaving, you usually needed a lot of weight to be placed at the very tip of the blade, and after Eisen added a bit of a compressed piece of metal there, it seemed like that was enough to make up for the fact that the blade was so thin in the upper half.

And then, Eisen looked at the blade with a smile, "Done."

[Heavenly Warrior’s Greatsword of Half-Crescents]

[Rank – 6][Quality – Perfect]

[Description] A unique sort of Greatsword created by the Godly Craftsmaster Eisen. It was created specifically for a Warrior in the divine realm of the God of Combat, Gonor.

The Unique shape of the blade requires a just-as-unique style of combat to be used to its fullest extent.

[Effect] \\u003cGod of Combat’s Holy Aura\\u003e Trait

[Requirements] Be a soul of the God of Combat’s Divine Realm

With a satisfied smile on Eisen’s face, he handed the ’Greatsword of Half-Crescents’ over to the woman, who grabbed it rather curiously herself. She tried to swing it around a little bit, and Eisen was already able to see that she was capable of using this sort of sword like an extension of her own body without any issues.

Glad to see how well it worked, Eisen turned around and started to work on the rest of the gear that he had promised to create for the woman, who by now was just excitedly waiting for even more amazing equipment.

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