I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1325 - Wind Demons vs Teachers and Students

Chapter 1325: Wind Demons vs Teachers and Students

The Wind Demons quickly closed in on all of the students and teachers of The United University of Cultivation.

The teachers with advanced cultivation bases positioned themselves before the students.

“Die, die, die!”

“We can finally kill them all, hahaha...”

“There are so many succulent and delicious humans here. I can sense so much vigor and vitality flourishing within their bodies. It would be a bit of a waste to just kill them like this. Why don’t we...”

“Shut up! Don’t forget the Heavenly Wind God’s instructions. Our mission is to kill all of the humans here!”

“Master Wind Emperor, should we go chase that human who is departing from this battle?”

“Hehe, he’s heading for the Heavenly Wind God’s battlefield, so he’ll be dead before too long. Why should we waste energy chasing down a dead man?”

The purple-robed Wind Demon chuckled coldly before continuing onward.

“No one is going to die. Everyone is going to live...”

A clear, pleasant voice sounded.

A woman in a Jade Barley Ink Garment stood at the forefront of the students and teachers. Her clear eyes were filled with unyielding belief and determination as holy flames and lightning surged around her Dragon Sparrow Sword.

“You’re all too noisy!”

This was the final sentence the purple-robed Wind Demon heard.

In the next instant, it was engulfed by a devastating holy flame sword projection.

The white holy flame sword projection was like a proud Vermilion Bird sweeping through the air, exuding incandescent light even more dazzling than the sun in the air.

Bloodcurdling cries erupted from within the Wind Demon ranks.

The holy flames dissipated, leaving behind a vast expanse of charred earth.

Among the nine purple-robed Wind Emperors, three had already fallen. Thousands of Wind Demon powerful beings had also perished along with them.

The Wind Demons all felt their minds go blank for an instant.

Xu Xiaolan stood proudly on the spot with no fear nor anxiety on her flawless features.

The students and teachers were not going to give the Wind Demons time to recuperate.

Boom boom boom!

The earth around the Wind Demons suddenly exploded violently, and each of the explosions was extremely terrifying and powerful enough to pulverize about a dozen Wind Demons at once.

These were the Myriad Spirit Taichi landmines Xuanyuan Cheng had set up in advance!

His dao of Myriad Spirit Taichi allowed him to communicate with all things, so he was able to fuse the power of his explosion into the earth, giving them extremely potent concealment effects.

Dazzling explosions erupted from the ground amid the bloodcurdling cries of the Wind Demons.

Xuanyuan Cheng’s landmines demonstrated the art of explosions to over a thousand Wind Demons, making it the last work of art they ever laid eyes on.

Soon, a full-blown battle had erupted.

All of the students unleashed long-range spell techniques that rained down upon the Wind Demons like a dense expanse of colorful light missiles, creating an extremely marvelous spectacle to behold.

The Wind Demons also retaliated with wind-type spell techniques of their own.

In a battle of spell technique bombardment, the Wind Demons gradually gained the upper hand.

In terms of numbers, there were only thirty thousand Wind Demons left compared to the fifty thousand students they were up against.

However, even the weakest Wind Demons were at the tenth-stage Dao Body, and most of them were actually at the Spirit Nurturing Stage or above. They were slowly overwhelming the students with quality over quantity!

Su Qianyun’s Moonlight Disc danced through the air, striking with vicious, unerring accuracy, picking off all of the faster Wind Demons who were leading the charge.

The battle line was quickly approaching the students, who had been decidedly forced onto the back foot.

Several hundred Soul Formation Stage teachers did their best to protect the students from being harmed by the Wind Demons’ spell techniques.

This was not because they were cowards who only knew how to defend. It was instead because they knew that there would be other people responsible for offensive output!

“Falling Starlight.” Vice-Principal Yu Hua stepped through the air toward the Wind Demons. His robe billowed out around him, and the power of the star divine dao soared in the sky before crashing down to earth like a meteor shower.

Each and every speck of starlights would fuse into a Wind Demon’s body before violently exploding!


A new wave of bloodcurdling cries erupted from the Wind Demon army as more and more of them exploded like fireworks of starlight, blood, and flesh.

All of the surrounding Wind Demons were petrified upon seeing this.

“Die!” A purple-robed Wind Demon charged toward Yu Hua with a pair of black scimitars in its hands, which it slashed down upon Yu Hua.

This was a Return to Void Stage Wind Emperor.

The scimitars were imbued with the power of wind, and they could even sever and displace space itself with their peerless sharpness.

The scimitars left black trajectories in their wake that were extremely fast and lethal.

“Star Grabbing Hand.” Vice-Principal Yu Hua’s hand suddenly took on a crystalline quality, which shimmered with a peculiar light under the light of the sun, and he met the oncoming scimitars with his bare hand.


A violent clash erupted.

The purple-robed Wind Demon was astonished to find that its most powerful technique had been easily dispelled by the mundane-looking old man before it.

The crystalline hand held the scimitars in a vice-like grip.

Before the purple-robed Wind Demon even had a chance to react, Yu Hua’s other hand had been clenched into a fist, and it was hurtling toward the Wind Demon twice as fast as the scimitar strikes it had unleashed!


The Wind Emperor’s head exploded like a watermelon, and its aura completely disappeared.


A man holding a feather fan strode forward slowly, as if he were taking a leisurely stroll.

He was Sword Immortal Ming Yuan, who taught the students in the way of karma.

The Wind Demons were now less than a thousand feet away.

Only now did Sword Immortal Ming Yuan look up in the sky before heaving a faint sigh. “Sigh... It’s going to rain sabers.”

The Wind Demons chortled with mirth upon hearing this. “Let’s go kill that nutjob up ahead!”

Their voices had only just trailed off when countless sabers rained down like a torrential storm from the sky. These weren’t just ordinary sabers either. These sabers were able to easily slice through the resolute scale armor of the Wind Demons!

Blood splattered through the air as anguished wails erupted from the Wind Demon army.

The entire ground below them was stained red.

Sword Immortal Ming Yuan looked at the Wind Demons who were charging ahead despite the rain of sabers, and he furrowed his brows with concern. “Don’t run too fast, or you might slip and fall to your death. I have a nagging feeling that half of all you Wind Demons are going to slip and die...”

“Slip my f*cking a*s! And how could we die just from falling over?!” a Soul Formation Stage Wind Demon roared with rage as it pounced toward the man standing before it.

Right at this moment, it suddenly lost its footing and began to crash to the ground.

If this were just a normal fall, it would have been fine. Unfortunately for it, there were still sabers impaled into the ground from the rain of sabers falling from above. These sabers were double-headed with blades on both sides, and one of them was aimed directly at its heart.


The Soul Formation Stage Wind Demon was impaled in the heart.

Before its death, it was still staring with incredulity at the man standing before him.

Absurdity, incredulity, shock, horror...

A myriad of emotions welled up in its punctured heart before it finally perished.

Not only did that Wind Demon powerful being slip and fall to their death, but many other charging Wind Demons were also tripped over by some sort of inexplicable power before falling to their deaths.

The remaining Wind Demons were truly terrified.

They had no idea how the man standing before them was doing these things!

They were just about to skirt around the man and let the purple-robed Wind Emperors deal with him when Sword Immortal Ming Yuan’s voice sounded again, “Ah, the remaining Wind Demons better not move! You’re all going to spontaneously explode if you take three more steps.”

All of the Wind Demons’ expressions shifted drastically upon hearing this. Most of the Wind Demons really did completely stop in their tracks after witnessing the bizarre feats this man was capable of.

All of the stationary Wind Demons were then greeted by a devastating sword projection unleashed by Sword Immortal Ming Yuan...

Sword Immortal Ming Yuan cleaned up all of the remaining thousands of Wind Demons with one sword strike.

“Hehe, what adorable creatures. They really were stupid enough to stand still and let me kill them.”

If the deceased Wind Demons could hear what Sword Immortal Ming Yuan was saying, they would probably be enraged to the point of coming back alive!

At the same time, several other Return to Void Stage teachers as well as top-tier Soul Formation Stage powerful beings like Sword Immortal Ling Xiao and Earth Immortal Yue Ying all unleashed barrages of their most powerful attacks.

The Wind Demon only realized now how naive their thoughts of a crushing victory in their favor were.

Even though they could crush all of the students, there were much more powerful foes that they had to contend with!

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