My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 356 World League: Senior Division Preliminaries (Part-3)

As soon as Therald was ousted from the battle, Edwin took a leap onto the beetle and ordered it to fly higher.

He decided to join the other two who were currently being overpowered by Leah and help them in defeating her.

He wasn\'t underestimating Azzy at all. It was just that he was at his wit\'s end and doesn\'t have the confidence to deal with Azzy and his platinum grade Arcana, all by himself.

Fortunately, he was even able to escape the fog and flew toward his allies. However, Azzy didn\'t chase him. He stayed inside the fog.

Azzy doesn\'t want to deal with Edwin directly, fearing that he might kill him due to his hatred for Edwin\'s father, the late king of Northern Qudour. It is also the reason why he went after the beast, instead of its owner.

He thought that Edwin would admit defeat once his soul beast and his partner would be out of the battle.

But, he didn\'t expect that Edwin would revive his beast and even tries to run away towards the other team. He took out a message card and sent his plan to Leah.

After he was done, he comfortably sat down and closed his eyes. Natural energy in the surroundings rushed toward him and absorbed into his body.

Once he collected enough natural energy, he unleashed a grand technique, the Gigantification.

Gigantification works in a similar way to the Embodiment of the Heavens, except that this skill would increase his size from two times to even hundred times. At the current stage, Azzy can manage 10 times at best.

Of course, this skill wouldn\'t give him any additional strength. So, usually, it is quite useless other than for a showoff but here, at this moment, he felt like it not only helps him to kick the opponents out of the barrier but also serves as a distraction.

As the fog covered only 15 meters in height, Azzy\'s head was visible to everyone. It drew the attention of the spectators as well as his opponents. Even Leah halted her strikes against the weaponless opponents and glanced at her partner\'s transformation.

Upon remembering the contents of the message she just received a few moments ago, she backed away from them.

Meanwhile, Edwin, who was on his way to help his allies, turned his head and found Azzy. "What the hell…" His eyes widened.

In his giant form, as Azzy got out of the fog barrier and went towards the middle-aged fellows, Edwin didn\'t hesitate to make his move.

<strong>"Kerunel, use soul skill: Fire beam."</strong>

The fire beetle opened its mouth and shot a concentrated beam of flames. Its aim is clear.

Azzy raised his hand and shot a death energy sphere at the incoming fire beam. 2 million of his soul power was consumed right away.

The fire beam and the energy sphere collided with each other. Everyone braced to see an explosion but the fire beam was completely suppressed by a normal energy sphere and the latter advanced towards the source of the fire beam, the beetle with its power reducing every time some of its energy was chipped away by the fire beam.

Edwin jumped away from the top of his soul beast to save himself. The fire beetle tried its best until the very end. It managed to reduce the incoming attack by almost half but in return, its safety was compromised.

But then again, it was sure that this power will not kill it like the previous time. The fire beetle was prepared to get injured.

Azzy glanced at Edwin who was trying to get away and then at the two barbarians who intended to try and retrieve their soul weapons that are still on the ground. "Unfortunately, you don\'t get such an opportunity." "Burst." He clenched his fist.


The energy sphere, which was about to hit the fire beetle, got suddenly exploded.

Despite having the same amount of power, the size of the energy sphere was ten times larger than a normal one, owing to Azzy\'s Gigantification.

Because Azzy can control the death energy, he was able to use the soul energy eruption technique from far away and let it explode like some sort of bomb. And now, its giant size also increased the range of the eruption.

As a result, all three of his opponents including their Arcana were blasted away by the energy eruption while Leah barely escaped the range.

Seeing the three of them fly in the air, Azzy shouted, "now."

Leah put down the Excalibur and took out a skill card.

<strong>"Skill card: Tetralimbs, activate."</strong>

Upon activating the skill card, purple-colored arms erupted from her back. She charged forward at her peak speed while they were still in the air.

After reaching the place where the impact had taken place earlier, she controlled the energy arms and stretched them towards the three of them as they were about to crash to the floor.

The arms caught them by surprise. And before they use energy eruption to destroy the respective arm that captured them, Leah swung the energy arms, throwing them out of the barrier.

"Ugh…" Edwin groaned in pain as he slowly got up to his feet. His injured fire beetle also got up and looked around. It found its master was out of the barrier and is only slightly injured.

As their eyes met, Edwin gave a suicide order through telepathic connection. The fire beetle abruptly turned towards Leah, instead of Azzy because he wasn\'t confident.

The fire beetle flapped its wings and charged toward Leah. Edwin saw that but he didn\'t stop the beast. As he was already out of the tournament, nothing else mattered to him, now.

Leah stood there calmly with the two pairs of extra arms wobbling behind her. Azzy motioned his arm to punch at the space before him, creating a fist of energy.

But, before he got an opportunity, the proctor landed in the way and raised his hand. Streaks of energy beams escaped from his fingertips and pierced the fire beetle in five different places, instantly killing it.

For a moment, everyone stared at the Proctor in awe. He glanced at the remaining contestants, "don\'t mind this. It\'s my job to clean up the miscreants. You can resume your battle."

The middle-aged Arcana Masters immediately dismissed their soul weapons that are currently groveling inside the barrier.

The Proctor disappeared from there and reappeared outside of the barrier. Through his extraordinary vision, Azzy found that it wasn\'t teleportation but pure speed. It was blurry even for him but it doesn\'t matter to think about it deeply, at the moment.

Leah and Azzy then stared at the remaining two contestants, who gave the impression of being the weakest with their peak-rank-5 soul power. Everyone thought that the match is as good as over but this pair of teenagers made a surprising move.

Azzy returned to his normal size and regrouped with Leah. As the duo of the team named Sentinals slowly started to walk towards their final opponents with the sabers, Azzy and Leah joined their palms once again.

Both of them shouted together. <strong>"Soul Amalgamation: Merge"</strong>

The aqua girl and the black lotus moved toward each other quickly. A blinding flash of light halted the opponents\' steps for a moment before revealing the aqua girl except that the water turned pitch in color and a crystal made tiara appeared on top of her head.

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