The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 36

“AAAAAHHHHH!” they screamed simultaneously while turning their heads sharply in fright.

Lin Ruoxi, “.....”

“Seriously, why do you have to scream like there is an intruder in the house? Leave your brother alone and go downstairs to help me prepare for dinner,” she said with her fist resting on her hip in a stance that one would call ‘full mummy mode’.

“He took my game,” complained Yi Youxi while pointing at the door with a look of grievance, “and I was playing in a team. They won’t want to play with me anymore.”

“That stupid game isn’t good for you anyway now go,” she replied pointing the way for them.

The two got up their faces drooping like dejected puppies but Lin Ruoxi didn’t budge. She wanted her oldest to be in a relaxed happy mood otherwise the conversation they had on the call won’t be able to continue.

“Mum..... can I sleepover in Dage’s room today. He never comes home and I miss him,” said Yi Ming with big teary eyes trying to play the cute card with her.

Seeing this Lin Ruoxi had to give it to her. She was indeed her daughter. What Yi Ming was doing now was exactly how she got her husband to give her two more children. It seemed her daughter had inherited her special little trick but unfortunately, she did it to the wrong person. Lin Ruoxi wasn’t a rookie.


“Whose bed is it?” she asked while picking her up.

Yi Ming was a little confused. Of course, it was Yi Chen’s, wasn’t that obvious?

“It’s dage’s bed,” she replied a little reluctant.

“Then ask him not me,” said Lin Ruoxi as they walked down the stairs.

Yi Ming, “...”

Her mum was so brutal getting straight to the point without any room for negotiation. If Yi Chen were to hear this conversation between his mother and his siblings he might feel touched. It seemed today he was the favoured one and his mother was spoiling only him.

That’s because she wanted to talk about something she knew Yi Chen was resistant to. Right at this moment, he was standing under the shower his mind drifting off to their conversation earlier.

As instructed by his father he had called her as soon as he woke up and their conversation started off amicably. That is until she mentioned going on a blind date before he officially enlists.

For ten minutes straight she had explained her reasoning which seemed logical to most but still he didn’t want to. His response to her was, “Mum, I can do everything else you ask me to do except this. Please understand me.”

Such calm yet resolute words were enough to make one back off but who was Lin Ruoxi? She wouldn’t use forceful means to achieve her goal but she wouldn’t give up either.

Meanwhile, Zi Han who had been spoiled so much at lunch was sitting in the chair with his tiny belly protruding like he was eight weeks pregnant. He sighed contentedly while rubbing his belly with a face full of smiles.

Zi Xingxi glanced over at him with her fist propping up her chin. “You didn’t have to eat that much? You make it look like I always starve you,” she said reaching over to poke his belly.

Zi Han, “.....”

“If you keep poking like that I will feel sick. Grandpa gave it to me so I had to eat it. It’s food from a freaking legend,” he whispered recalling how his grandfather kept saying, ” Eat more..... Too skinny..... You need to bulk up.” If grandpa says he needs to eat more then Zi Han will eat more.

“Okay, I am absolutely fine with that and when you become a little tubby I will pinch your chubby cheeks to my heart’s content,” she replied with a gleeful smile almost imagining it.

Zi Han’s face froze. Okay, now he didn’t feel like eating too much anymore. Well, that thought didn’t last long because his grandfather came back with a fluffy lemon custard cake with rich custard sauce and a scoop of pistachio ice cream he personally made for Zi Han. How could he refuse such an honour?

Zi Feiji placed the dessert plate right in front of Zi Han and asked, “What do you think? I made it myself,” with an expression as though seeking approval.

Zi Xingxi, “.....”

“Where is mine? I suddenly feel jealous,” she said her hand subconsciously picking up her dessert spoon to dive in. As soon as that spoon appeared where it shouldn’t Zi Feiji counter-attacked with a smack at her hand while Zi Han protected his bounty.

“Send Secretary K to get it for you. It’s on the kitchen countertop,” he said watching his grandson eat his dessert with relish. He suddenly felt a little sad for all the years he missed. Imagine how many meals would they have had together?

They would go shopping together and little Han Han would draw birthday cards for him which he would keep in a wooden box with his priceless possessions. That said he suddenly felt resentful and his resentment was all directed at the person sitting next to Zi Han.

Zi Xingxi, “.....”

If looks could kill she would have been in a coffin already and buried beside her husband.

“So.... Han Han, what are your plans. What I mean by that is what are your future career prospects?” asked Zi Feiji as Secretary K who had thankfully returned to his original appearance brought four plates of dessert for everyone including the old steward who was sitting there silently watching them.

Zi Han was in such a dazed state because of the deliciousness in his mouth that he blurted out, “I want to join the Bloodgarde.”

Old Steward, “...”

He should probably go hide the broom because Zi Feiji’s face was not looking good right now. As though adding oil to the fire Zi Xingxi chimed in, “Yes, he wants to join me. Isn’t it great?” It must be that there was some sort of drug in this dessert otherwise she might have been able to read the room.

Even Secretary K was already plotting his escape plan. He was thinking of pretending he had left something in the kitchen and make a break for it but it turns out it wasn’t necessary.

Zi Feiji glared at his daughter while saying, “Zi Han, how about you go and see your bedroom?”

The old steward stood up and approached Zi Han saying, “Right this way young sir. You will absolutely love it.”

Zi Han pointed at his unfinished dessert with his spoon and a hint of unwillingness in his eyes as he mumbled, “But I haven’t finishe-.”

“You are full, now go upstairs,” replied Zi Feiji his gaze still stuck on Zi Xingxi. Zi Han didn’t speak anymore. He got up and followed the old steward a little flustered.

The Bloodgarde was the last thing Zi Feiji wanted his grandson involved in, well, right next to distributing illegal substances. This conversation between father and daughter was bound to be heated.

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